

Sunday, March 4, 2012

First Trimester Screen Results Appointment

On Friday, March 2 (can you believe it's March by the way?) we had our follow up appointment to the First Trimester Screen.  The results all came back great with a 1 in greater than 10, 000 chance (that's the lowest they report) of having Down Syndrome, Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18, and some other significant fetal abnormalities.  Yay! 

We got to hear baby's heartbeat again...holding strong and steady at 161 BPM.  Barrett sprung to action and snapped a little video that captures that sweet, sweet sound.  (Side note - don't mind my pasty white, winter belly in the video!)

We scheduled our next two appointments also.  The next one is on March 16 and it will be for my blood work for multiple marker screening.  It will again screen for some of the Trisomies but will mainly be looking for any neural tube defects such as Spina Bifida.  I think Barrett's going to skip this appointment...no sense in him leaving work for 10 minutes of blood work!  The next appointment will be on April 4...and this will definitely not be one to miss...because it's when we'll find out if Baby Brooks is definitely a boy or a girl!  That ultrasound will also check for major organ development (heart, kidneys, lungs, etc.)

Can't wait!  :-)

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